Monday, October 8, 2012

Yosemite and El Capitan photos and prose

Here’s some photos from my recent trip to Yosemite, California, and our climb of the Salathe Wall on El Capitan. It’s been just over a week since the adventure took place, but the time seems like months ago. Time is funny like that sometimes, but what is time other than something man invented? The past is the past though and a past climb must be used as a foundation to build something bigger; spiritually, physically or mentally.

Climbing El Cap was a life goal of mine, and the satisfaction after it was completed was immense. A big climb always makes me appreciate the simple things in life: a shower, water, food, friends, a lover, a comfortable place to sleep. Removal of the simple pleasures we take for granted makes them more valuable and appreciated.

My mind is still sorting out the thoughts, the pitches, and the lessons. I need to wait to write about them until the right time, yet I can’t wait too long before the memories fade.  

For now the photos stand for themselves, moments recorded, forever gone, yet a reminder that a dream can turn to a reality, and then when one dream is achieved it gives birth to the possibilities of new dreams. 

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